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The Future of Customer Engagement

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"The Future of Customer Engagement"

Your CRM isn’t the solution to customer engagement

One would think that with so much customer data available, in so many places, companies would know exactly how and where to engage with their customers most effectively. But in fact, the distance between companies and their customers has never been wider.

Why? Because traditional customer service systems and CRMs just aren’t up to the task of today’s decentralized, fragmented customer data. They can’t collect it, let alone curate it and harvest insights from it to help companies understand who their customers are and what they’re saying and doing. As a result, there’s a major disconnect between what customers want and what companies are delivering.

To understand this, we need to look at three seismic forces rocking the customer engagement landscape:

  1. Shifting demographics and new channels
  2. Intelligent self service
  3. The changing nature of customer interactions

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